Christmas decorations: how to make a wreath

December makes us all feel a bit 'more artisans especially when it comes to Christmas decorations and garlands decorations are among the most commonly used to do it yourself, especially if you have the time available.

To create a Christmas wreath that surprised all you need a base composed of vines and a ring found at any DIY store and a variety of decorations like small pine cones, candles, cinnamon sticks and dried fruit.

Once you find the base, just paste this on to all the decorative elements, paying particular attention to the candles, which are heavier than the rest and could destabilize the composition.

E 'can also use a polystyrene base for the creation of a Christmas wreath in a way that attack over this, with the glue, anything that comes to mind and reminds us that Christmas here is nice place maybe even the green spray of glitter to gold so as to make our very precious and unique wreath.

If you want, you can also make a Christmas wreath with the bread: you simply go to the bakery and buy bread dough, shape it like a crown woven and bake. Once cool, "freeze it" sprinkling of color and decorated with colored ribbons and wires, and then hang it on the front door or inside your home.



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