In Japan, new strong earthquakes.
A new violent earthquake was felt in the region of Tokyo. Therefore, continues the earthquake swarm in Japan, four days after the violent earthquake that caused a devastating tsunami. Tuesday morning another replica, with a magnitude of 6.3 degrees, was warned off the coast of Fukushima.
The "Great Earthquake of Tohoku" has already achieved a dubious distinction: it is the worst earthquake the now historic "Great Kanto earthquake" of 1923. The earthquake last Friday, followed by a devastating tsunami with waves up to 10 meters, was a magnitude 9 and resulted - according to data released today by the Police Department, 10 thousand people dead or missing. In all, 3,373 bodies were recovered while 6,746 are still missing. As time passes, the harder it becomes to decrease the number of missing in the column without increasing the number of deaths. In 1923 the entire Kanto Tokyo was hit by a devastating earthquake, followed by an apocalyptic fire, which killed between 120 and 140 thousand people. In recent years, is often remembered the Kobe earthquake of 1995, which killed about 6,400 people.
The "Great Earthquake of Tohoku" has already achieved a dubious distinction: it is the worst earthquake the now historic "Great Kanto earthquake" of 1923. The earthquake last Friday, followed by a devastating tsunami with waves up to 10 meters, was a magnitude 9 and resulted - according to data released today by the Police Department, 10 thousand people dead or missing. In all, 3,373 bodies were recovered while 6,746 are still missing. As time passes, the harder it becomes to decrease the number of missing in the column without increasing the number of deaths. In 1923 the entire Kanto Tokyo was hit by a devastating earthquake, followed by an apocalyptic fire, which killed between 120 and 140 thousand people. In recent years, is often remembered the Kobe earthquake of 1995, which killed about 6,400 people.
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