NASA historical announcement: the youngest black hole

Yesterday afternoon around 18:30, NASA announced that it has discovered the youngest black hole ever: 30 years old and is located 50 million light years from Earth, a distance when compared to other blacks holes.

To make it possible to identify this black hole was the Chandra X-ray Observatory, which together with the European Space Telescope, the XMM-Newton, made it possible to see the black hole in SN 1979C.

Scientists estimate that the black hole sucking up would also see a star that, after the supernova explosion that created its own hole, the same would be incorporating all the material due to its explosion.

Yesterday's announcement was followed with some apprehension and curiosity because there were many who thought that NASA announced the discovery of a planet with lots of aliens or beings other than humans.

For now we are content with the announcement of a new young and black hole, waits for news about aliens and monsters of various kinds.



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